1993 Smoky Black Overo
14-2 Hands 1,100 lbs
Own Grandson of Colonel Freckles
Color Producer, Carries the Dun Factor
2017 Stud Fee $700.00
Live Cover Only
Everything we have ever bred him to has produced a strong dun factor and color to boot.
This smoky black stallion has the dun factor very predominantly on both the top and bottom side of his pedigree.
He is producing many buckskins and palominos! He produces foals with his strong bone and large jowls.
I personally ride him and am able to handle him during breeding without any problem.
He has a wonderful disposition, which he throws to his babies.
He is strong to look at, but moves like a cat and can really track a cow to the max
His bloodlines are remarkable, a grandson of Colonel Freckles by way of Colonel Jessie James.
Martin’s Missy, dam of Martin’s Jessie, was a world class cutter.
On the bottom side his dun factor clearly repeats itself in his fine crosses to King and on.
You will not be disappointed in this stallion.